It was a hot Saturday in Los Angeles this past weekend for sure, but even hotter were the girls, the music and the bikes at this years’ annual Venice Vintage Motorcycle Rally sponsored by the Venice Vintage Motorcycle Club. Here are some of the photos I took there.
Category: Motorcycles
The Road Kings

[dc]W[/dc]ith clear blue skies and perfect temperatures we lit out of Los Angeles like a couple of rogues after a bender which left a heap of twisted metal and broken hearts in our wake. Well, maybe it wasn’t quite so dramatic, but every once in awhile it’s really nice to just get out of LA in a testosterone fueled way, you know–rattle the bones and shake the cobwebs off, and this weekend my brutha from anutha country, Jakob, was in town from Copenhagen and we got on a couple of Road Kings and headed north on the coast highway, breathing in the salt air, wind on our faces, feeling every bit the Kings of the Road. Continue reading “The Road Kings”